
Showing posts from March, 2010

I dont like u, u dont know that; but what abt that Facebook request?

The age of social networking via the internet has created deep social dilemmas. Till now, whenever you disliked a person, all you had to do was to pretend they didn't exist / avoid talking if thrown together / or in the worst case scenario exchange vague pleasantries and depart with an insincere "lovely-meeting-you". You congratulated yourself on passing the litmus test from your mom's manner book combined with a pleasant feeling of relief at not having to meet for another decade or four. The other party was oblivious that you'd been slinking into dark corners and jumping off bridges rather than meet them (or so you thought) ...and all was well with the world. But now there is Facebook and anybody can send you a friend request! And the thought of having them on your friend list getting minute to minute details of your fascinating life--( eating chips while listening to U2) the quizzes you take ('what kind of vegetable are you?') and your pr...

Don't get a puppy if you value your sanity!

I got my SO a pup for Valentine day. And now my life has become a misery. I have to point out that I was honest from the start. I told SO that I love dogs but am grossed out by poop picking. So the deal was that he will do the poop picking while i do the grooming, cuddling, loving, food-giving aunt bit. Though SO has pitched in to do the poop picking it's me who has been driven nuts. In the 5 days since she's been with us --she has bitten, scratched, chewed and peed inside. (though never pooped inside..coz of course that would make life difficult for SO whose job it is). She wails and barks when put inside her crate; eats and pees when put out of the crate; and has dug a hole in the neighbour's compost pile when I take her outside to play. My vocabulary has become limited to "No Bessie!" and my neighbours see me day in and day out as a wild eyed harridan with hair sticking out (she loves to chew my hair), dressed in a mangy coat and chewed up slippers (she lo...

Should twitter users be called twits?

Twit: - Slang- A foolishly annoying person. (Definition free online dictionary) For months I ignored the hype around Twitter. But I'm a sucker for enticing looking boxy spaces which ask me confidential questions. So when the box at the Twitter website cooed like a particularly pleasant dove and invited me to confide in 140 characters: "what are you doing?"... I gave in. And wrote my first tweet: - "Should twitter users be called twits?" "101"--replied the box. (FYI -"101 means the number of characters left.) I thought my first tweet with its clever pun on the word 'twit’ was great but the rest of the Twitterati decided otherwise. It ignored me. Now if it had been FB or OS I'd have posted a dictionary definition of the word 'twit' as slang (as I have above :) but really there are not many definitions you can write in 140 characters. I thought of writing another tweet explaining the definition of 'twit' and the pun on '...