Sagan, Rohith...and I
There is a bond between readers which transcends time and space...the bond of shared imagination. Rohith liked Carl Sagan, nature and stars. So do I. He dreamt of going to different planets. As did I. I spent nights watching stars in the isolation of natures, dreaming of civilisations inside those stars and when humankind would reach them. And perhaps he did too. I read every science fiction book I could, I was the one of the crew in Rama, i was the one who discovered the alien presence in Contact. Perhaps when I was dreaming of stars so was Rohith. Except that from science fiction, I returned into my upper caste world of privilege, and he returned to his (i assume) small house in a small village supporting his family. Dreaming of distant lands, I went to a ivy league university in New York; while he worked towards a scientific phd in the urban metro of Hyderabad, trying to support his family and perhaps congratulating himself on arriving at a casteless world. However he so...